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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

DIY Jewelry Organization Inspiration

Nicole, here! The youngest of the Womack Women posts again!

Anyone with a Type A personality is my friend. Seriously. Okay well maybe not anyone, but you know what I mean. Organization and I get along – we get along so well, in fact, that there’s actually a lesser known term for my kind of people: Type Double-A. Yes, like the battery. I got that term from my mom, but I know exactly what she means.

My house is not perfectly clean and organized. That drives me crazy, but it’s a fact of life that I cannot keep everything pristine at every moment of the day.  However, my life runs on organization. I’m a list maker TO THE MAX. I have to write things down in order to not forget them. I have to cross those things off of my list in order to feel like I have accomplished something in my day. I have to know where things can be found and found quickly. I’m the person that eats the same dang thing for breakfast every morning because I know what to expect – how long it takes to accomplish, how long I will be full, how long I have until I crash from lack of energy (my schedule is a little wacky because of school so I often have to skip lunch or eat it late).  In order for me to cook in my kitchen, it has to be clean and orderly when I go in there to start. 

I’m getting off topic here, but the point is this: I love organization in all aspects of my life. I despise clutter. Loathe, even. End of story.

That’s why I looooove when everyone gets on New Year’s Resolution or Spring Cleaning kicks and begin organizing various aspects of their daily lives.  LOVE it.  No sarcasm here, folks!  It gets my juices flowing, in a sense.  I’m always re-organizing stuff in my house and trying to come up with more efficient, effective ways of running things.

When my personal blog feed fills up with DIY organization tips and ideas, I get all giddy inside.  I got especially giddy when I found several people posting about JEWELRY ORGANIZATION – know why?  Because that’s an area that I struggle with in the organizing realm.  I’m better than I used to be, but gosh darn it’s kind of difficult!  So many little pieces that can find themselves in so many odd little places… then if you travel with them, have particular pieces that you wear all of the time, or have those that need to be tucked away for special occasions or are family heirlooms… and if you don’t have a whole lot of wall or storage space (ahem…), it can become quite a tricky little situation.

THAT is why I got especially giddy about my blog feed.

I just want you to know the following things:

1.) The following people have found exceptionally cute and/or functional ways of organizing their jewelry stash.  Obviously, it’s a hard thing for some of us (ahem…) to accomplish, but these folks have done a fabulous job of sharing their genius with the world.  They thought it was important enough to share with others, so I’m just passing that along.

2.) If you’re struggling with your jewelry organization, You Are NOT Alone! I mean, sometimes there is just so much cute stuff to go through and showcase, right?? And this stuff takes time! You could be the person (like me) that has to try out several different options of organization to figure out what works best. And that is a-okay.

 3.) If you’re not one of those Type A/AA people, You Are NOT Alone! It can be overwhelming to be so organized and there are a lot of things that take priority over organization in this world.  I will tell you this, though: if you organize your jewelry, you will probably get a lot more use out of the stuff you already own. Period. And we all like getting our money’s worth. That’s why we complain if our sub sandwich is 0.5”-1.0” too short, after all (if you have no idea what I’m talking about, follow THIS LINK).

If I haven’t already scared you off with my ramblings, take a look at these lovely people’s creative and useful tips, tricks, and ideas for organizing their favorite accessories. Maybe take an idea and try it out for yourself. And go to their site for their organizing experience in its entirety – I promise, it’s worth the click!

Tonya created her own cork board to display her lovely accessories.
 I love that she spells out her project step by step - remembering that for later!

 Megan used a thrift store bulletin board for her display and totally made it her own.
 I seriously love the texture of that cork and the fact that she didn't have to make it! Time is money.

Ahna used leftover wooden box lids to create her jewelry display.
 Seriously love the pattern and how savvy she was with those boxes - way to be crafty!

Brandi (#1) created this burlap earring display.
 I'm a huge lover of burlap for sure, and talk about easy access!

Brandy (#2!) created an entire wall space for her jewelry.
I'm seriously impressed by this. I just want to stand there and look at everything!

This is my personal favorite - Shauna used vintage teacups! Swoon.
Isn't it just so lovely?! I wish I had the space to do this for myself. I'm a bit jealous.

And there you have it! HUGE thank you to these lovely ladies that shared their ideas for all to see. I commend you! I'm so anxious to get to organizing my jewelry now. There are so many other organization ideas out there for jewelry. Find one that works for you and go for it!


P.S. - If I ever get around to truly organizing my own jewelry (better than it is now), I'll be sure to let you in on that action!